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Monte del Sol's avatar
August 14 - December 24, 2019

Monte del Sol


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    meatless or vegan meals
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    with people
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    spent outdoors

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Recent updates from this team
  • December 10 at 12:00 PM
    Ava Gannon F block Sustainability Interview with a person 20 yrs older: I chose to interview my next-door neighbor, a drummer and an artist who works with my dad.  As far as what they used to make and repair, he said that since there weren't cell phones to call anyone at any time people were more handy - they knew how to fix simple things...
  • December 10 at 9:25 AM
    Eco-Challenge -  Supporting local business. For this eco-challenge io decided to support more local businesses, and I started out with my local gas station instead of all the chains in Santa Fe like Allsups. The local gas station is owned by a family who has run this gas station for a very long time and who I know need the money more than the...
  • December 10 at 8:09 AM
    Javier Márquez Almeida Block F  SUST                                 Interview  In my interview, I decided to interview my mom. My mom grew up in a rural area Chihuahua México with my great-grandma and grandpa. They would raise cattle and grow corn my great grandparents would sell their harvest to the local supermarkets.        One of the...
  • December 6 at 1:08 PM
    For my eco-challenge I wanted to ¨SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES: I will buy from local businesses instead of shopping online.¨ Instead of buying dog treats from trader joes, which is where I usually go, I decided to buy dog treats from a place called Marty's Meals. They sell meats and bones from animals that were from local farms. Martyś meals is...
  • December 5 at 7:09 AM
    Javier Marquez Almeida  Block F  Sust  11/8/19    During this week I have been explaining to my fellow classmates w/ what aquaponics is and how it works and how much better it is for our environment than traditional agriculture. This showed me that I could educate some of my friends and classmates on how we could help the environment by...
  • November 12 at 10:15 AM
    One of the eco challenges I completed was to pick up trash. I´ve been picking up trash around the neighborhood. Iḿ basically doing the homeowner associations job by making the neighborhood look pretty.  I also try to keep an eye out for trash around schoolI try to pick up as much trash as  I see. I also like to help Leslie by picking up trays...
  • November 8 at 8:49 PM
    Within my community I helped  around my neighborhood,  we have a man living across from my house. And he is always alone and lives alone, he is very sweet he brings my family baked goods and fresh vegetables.  And for my community thing was to sit with someone for lunch or invite over someone for dinner. My idea was to invite our neighbor over...
  • November 8 at 1:22 PM
    More response to Eco challenge: How can I being more involved to contribute to a fair and sustainable community - I think I could contribute more too this by joining a local community that helps; possibly the fire department or something similar. Communities become stronger when there's more input from the people their choices would effect. 
  • November 8 at 1:03 PM
    To help be more aware of  my community this week I started hanging out with different people and trying my best to include everyone into our community more. I began starting this week to meet new people and just try and be more of a positive person in general to try and lift other people’s moods when I wasn't feeling very well at all. I feel...
  • November 8 at 10:02 AM
    Cain sotelo  Rhonda Crespo  11-8-19 F block In my area there is a very low opportunity of jobs because its not as close to the city. There is more houses  the business by where I live not much work only sometimes construction. For education there is a 70% of people to graduate in four years of school. In my higher percentage i have 76% of...

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