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Kailyn Mckeown's avatar

Kailyn Mckeown

Capstone winter 23


  • 0 TODAY
  • 310 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    whole food meals
  • UP TO
    traveled by bus
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    with people
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors

Kailyn's actions


Use Reusable Bottles

I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 5 disposable plastic bottle(s) each day this week.


Visions of Sustainability

Eco-friendly Gardening

I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.


Visions of Sustainability

Collect Rain Water

I will create a rain garden or bioswale, or use rain barrels to collect water for outdoor watering needs.



Use Public Transit

I will use public transit 3 mile(s) each day this week and avoid sending up to 1.46 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.


Ecological Principles

Support Pollution Reduction

I will learn about water and air quality issues in my area, how they are impacting human and environmental health, and how I can help.


Ecological Principles

Reduce My Footprint

I will calculate my ecological footprint and talk with my family or roommates about way we can reduce our negative enviromental impact.


Ecological Principles

Practice Gratitude for Earth

This week, I will spend 15 minute(s) each day outside, practicing gratitude (prayer, meditation, journaling, etc.) for Earth and the nature surrounding me.



Whole Foods Diet

I will enjoy 3 meal(s) free of processed foods each day this week.



Reduce Animal Products

I will enjoy 3 meatless meal(s) and/or 3 vegan meal(s) each day this week.


A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 3 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.


A Call to Sustainability

Pay Attention to Current Events

I will watch or read the news each day this week with a specific focus on sustainability issues and happenings.


A Call to Sustainability

Watch a Documentary

I will watch a movie about a sustainability issue I would like to know more about.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 3/02/2023 9:47 AM
    This week I tried to focus on nature, something that I always love but never make time for. After getting home from school each day, my sister and I took walks around our neighborhood. There are a lot of tails near where I live and runoffs and creeks. I practiced being present in the moment; noticed the buds starting to bloom on some of the trees, counted about a dozen robins hopping in the grass, and even saw an animal in the river, not quite a beaver or a muskrat, or an otter, but something of that caliber. It was pretty windy and cold still, and there is still pockets of snow, and the remains of a snowperson outside some office buildings. But it was really nice to be outside so much this week and away from my apartment doing nothing but homework all the time.

    • Maya Kato's avatar
      Maya Kato 3/02/2023 1:16 PM
      Hi Kailyn. I loved reading this - all your descriptions made me feel like I was there and it honestly relaxed me :) I like that you slowed down to notice small details about your surroundings. That's so cool you saw an unidentified animal in the river. Maybe you will discover what it is if you continue to visit and see it again. This activity reminds me of the nature walk that we are supposed to do for this course. I haven't done it yet, but I'm really excited to do so because I think it will help me relax and connect to nature. Normally I'm with my dog or another person when I go on hikes, so I'm looking forward to going alone and having no outside distractions.

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 2/25/2023 2:49 PM
    Last term I learned about the "Doomsday" glacier in Antarctica. Originally called Thwaites, it's nicknamed the Doomsday glacier because if it falls into the ocean it will have devastating effects on sea level rise. Around that time an article came out that said the glacier was holding on by its "fingernails," not great. Last week I heard there was an update on data collection on the glacier, and so I found it today and read it.
    While it's melting slower than scientists initially thought (yey!) warm seawater is getting in between the cracks underneath, creating staircases that are break it up from the inside. Scientists are saying that it could fall within the next five years, raising sea levels by ten feet. This impact on coastal communities will be devastating, and ever since learning about it last term, I've been anxious about it. Mostly because there is not more attention being paid to it. I know that there isn't really anything that we can do, but it's another example of the effects of Climate Change that are going ignored by the people most in power to do something.

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 2/16/2023 11:03 AM
    While I normally do not use plastic water bottles and just carry around my hyrdo-flask, because I get a lot of free coffee at work, I realized how many cups I was tossing out each day. Sometimes up to two a day :( So this week I focused on being more responsible and brought my mugs and cups from home to use for coffee instead of the ones at work. I got a lot of compliments on each ones that I brought which started up the conversation as to why I was doing it. This prompted my fellow co-workers to also consider alternatives. So hopefully they will also start to bring in more sustainable cups!

    • Sean Reyes's avatar
      Sean Reyes 2/18/2023 2:06 PM
      That's awesome! Do you have a favorite mug? I can relate, it can become rather startling when one realizes just ho many single use item simply get thrown away. Throughout the course of even a few months can be substantial let along a few years! I remember the class a couple week ago was discussing how making a difference can feel daunting, but it's so cool to read how you've made one small change and already others are thinking about doing the same.

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 2/14/2023 7:34 AM
    My original goal for my Eco-Change project was to use more public transit, but I had to abandon that because I didn't feel I was able to use it as much as I wanted. However, I am making a conscious effort to reduce my carbon footprint and try to use the max at least twice a week to get to school. It has saved me a lot of gas money and parking money. I'm hoping to build a habit of using it more and more little by little. We will see!

    • Osvaldo Rios-Sabalza's avatar
      Osvaldo Rios-Sabalza 2/15/2023 12:32 PM
      I don't think the idea is to force yourself to use public transit if that is what your issue is. It should be to replace your car or other vehicles. Are you planning your trips or know what buses are the fastest to your stops? can be helpful.

    • Ashley Landis's avatar
      Ashley Landis 2/14/2023 4:03 PM
      I think change is important! I know it is hard sometimes to have to reevaluate your plans, but it is cool you came up with a compromise. Any action is still impactful!

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 2/02/2023 3:54 PM
    I don't normally eat too many processed foods, but this week I concentrated on eating anything, including my kryptonite, chips. I even went as far as learning how to make my own bean burgers since I don't eat meat. It was easier than I thought, and I finally got to use my new food processor! My sister and I spent the time making them talking, which reminded me of the learning garden fieldtrip, and it made me think about how communities are formed around simple tasks of prep.

    • Stacey Alcott's avatar
      Stacey Alcott 2/05/2023 4:59 PM
      So awesome you're making adventures with your food skills and with your sister! You're so right that a lot of connection happens in the kitchen. Maybe that's why I hate to cook, it's so lonely to cook for one or alone. I cook dinner for my boyfriend and kiddo now, but it's typically alone. It's great that you can create that sense of field trip community to your own kitchen with your sister :).

    • Diane Tran's avatar
      Diane Tran 2/02/2023 6:40 PM
      That sounds so interesting! I've always wanted to try new recipes for cooking. Maybe I'll make a bean burger sometime! Speaking of communities, sometimes you can find a friendly neighbor in the community that likes to create their own foods and sells based on commission. My parents have family friends that make their own small business based on making eggrolls, glutinous rice dishes, and more and would sell them to church or family friends when new years or festivals come around. Want to sell me a bean burger sometime? C:

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 1/30/2023 4:20 AM
    I started collecting water the first or second week of class, when we had that nice burst of water. I was surprised at how little I was able to collect, but I've also never collected rainwater before. I was able to get a nice bucket from work, but it only filled about 3/4 of a gallon jug when I transferred it. Today I'm planning on maybe getting another bucket and researching better ways to collect the water. I'm planning on using it to water all my plants instead of using the tap, but with the water I've collected already I'm only able to water less than half of them :/

    • Stacey Alcott's avatar
      Stacey Alcott 1/30/2023 6:52 PM
      This is a great idea. We have a bin that collects the water from the roof that drips down. I always forget it's there. I plan on using it more this year when I water my plants!

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 1/20/2023 4:14 PM
    This week I wanted to calculate how much I use a carbon footprint. The answer: a lot. Having grown up outside a place where things are not only within walking distance, but have good public transportation, I find that I have a really bad habit of using my car for everywhere I go, even though I live literally five minutes from a max station. Having realized this, and with the Eco Change Project in mind, I decided to try and get to school using the max. Because driving to school is the farthest I drive in a given day, this has already reduced my carbon footprint a lot. What's more, I plan to use the max for the rest of the term as part of my Eco Project.

    • Stacey Alcott's avatar
      Stacey Alcott 1/30/2023 7:08 PM
      Using the bus/max allows me to study while someone else drives. With all the textbooks and readings we must do, I really enjoy being chauffeured so I can accomplish that daunting task.

    • Ashley Landis's avatar
      Ashley Landis 1/24/2023 6:02 PM
      Hi Kailyn, that is a great idea for your project! I am happy that you are able to fit something that goes along with your daily routine into your ecochange project. I'm excited to hear you share at the end of term.

    • Maya Kato's avatar
      Maya Kato 1/21/2023 12:31 PM
      Hey Kailyn. Nice - that's a great goal for your Eco Change. I also drive to most places other than school and I usually don't pay attention to my carbon footprint. I'm definitely inspired to use more alternative transportation since starting this class but it can be hard when it's cold/rainy or if you're running late. Despite it being a new adjustment and having to be more aware of time management, I will say it's nice to get a few steps in before class and not have to worry about parking. Looking forward to hearing more about your experience :)

  • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
    Kailyn Mckeown 1/12/2023 3:24 PM
    This week I spoke to my sister and a few co-workers about sustainability. The conversation I had with my sister was engaging. We spoke about how sustainability in waste is difficult to calculate and our anxieties about landfills. With one of my coworkers I spoke about how sustainability was a way to combat climate change. The conversation was a little difficult because he is a conservative who I don't think understands the full implications of climate change and what sustainability actually is and what it can do, but the conversation was good and he agreed that sustainability is a booming job field at the moment, so I took it as a win. My other co-worker I just spoke about my intentions for the class and what I am planning on taking away from the course and how I can implement changes after the class ends. We spoke about composting and growing one's own food, and the benefits that gives to people.

    • Ashley Landis's avatar
      Ashley Landis 1/18/2023 2:41 PM
      Hi Kailyn! I think it's great that you decided to discuss sustainability and climate change with a coworker who you knew had opposing views with. I think that is how change occurs, even though it's uncomfortable. Most times, in my opinion, people are overwhelmed with the doomsday factor that they turn to denial. Once the education is widespread enough, hopefully more folks will realize we're all on the same Earth. Good job!