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Nathan Harren's avatar

Nathan Harren

Community Team


  • 0 TODAY
  • 130 TOTAL

Nathan's actions

Consumption and Economy

Track my Purchases

I will maintain a record of all my purchases.


Visions of Sustainability

Eco-friendly Gardening

I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.


Visions of Sustainability

Advocate For Greener Vehicles

I will assess the vehicles used by my company or college and advocate for a purchasing policy focused on fuel-efficient vehicles.


Consumption and Economy

Learn About Alternatives to the GDP

I will research alternatives (like Gross National Happiness) to measuring economic livelihood and the health of a nation.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Nathan Harren's avatar
    Nathan Harren 11/25/2023 5:06 PM
    For this Ecochallenge, for session 8, I started to advocate for greener vehicles. It was interesting, and I also did lots of research, mainly around hydrogen cars. I think hydrogen cars look very promising, the issue is storing hydrogen is very hard and technical in nature. I think electric cars are great, but I do worry about the mining practices and scalability of battery production. Overall, when I talked to people, they were largely already sold on electric or against it, no matter what I said. I did find that two of my friends said they would drive electric, but it was still too expensive for them to afford.

  • Nathan Harren's avatar
    Nathan Harren 11/25/2023 5:06 PM
    For this Ecochallenge, for session 8, I started to advocate for greener vehicles. It was interesting, and I also did lots of research, mainly around hydrogen cars. I think hydrogen cars look very promising, the issue is storing hydrogen is very hard and technical in nature. I think electric cars are great, but I do worry about the mining practices and scalability of battery production. Overall, when I talked to people, they were largely already sold on electric or against it, no matter what I said. I did find that two of my friends said they would drive electric, but it was still too expensive for them to afford.