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Charlotte Stick's avatar

Charlotte Stick

capstone fall 21


  • 0 TODAY
  • 276 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    organic meals
  • UP TO
    traveled by carpool
  • UP TO
    traveled by foot
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    with people

Charlotte's actions

Consumption and Economy

Personal Waste Audit

I will collect all of my unrecyclable, non-compostable trash to raise my awareness of how much I send to the landfill.


Consumption and Economy

Support Local Businesses

I will buy from local businesses instead of shopping online.


A Call to Sustainability

Sign a Petition

I will sign petitions in support of an environmental or social initiative in my state.


A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 3 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.



Say No to Plastic

Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. This week, I'll say "no" to plastic bags at the store and plastic straws in all of my drinks.



Walk Instead

I will walk 3 mile(s) each day this week instead of driving and avoid sending up to 8.73 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Weekly Meal Planning

I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need.



Learn About My Watershed

I will find local resources for learning about my watershed and the particular water issues my region faces.



Watch a Documentary

I will watch a documentary film about food with family and friends and talk about what we learned.


Consumption and Economy

Track my Purchases

I will maintain a record of all my purchases.



Try Carpooling

I will commute by carpool 8 mile(s) each day this week and avoid sending up to 0.0 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Choose Organic Ingredients

I will enjoy 3 meal(s) cooked with organic ingredients each day this week.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 12/05/2021 10:16 PM
    The week before last I had three separate conversation with my mom, my dad and my best friend about sustainability. I talked to each of them about it all on the same day (Thanksgiving) because when they asked how I had been and what I had been up to my efforts to become more sustainable seemed really relevant. My dad even said he was going to get reusable shopping bags (I was really surprised he didn't already use them. Bad on my part for assuming I guess)

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 11/30/2021 1:38 AM
    This week I shopped locally instead of buying anything online. This was useful for the few gifts I'm purchasing for family for the upcoming holidays. It's nice to know shopping locally supports local businesses and lowers my carbon footprint when I don't have something shipped to my house. I checked out Ship John over on Division for a wallet I'll be gifting. It's all made in the U.S which is cool too!

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 11/16/2021 5:55 AM
    I attempted to say no to plastic this week because I feel like despite not outwardly buying plastic bags it's in so much of what I use and consume. The most challenging aspect of this was grocery shopping because I never really realized how much food packing uses plastic. That lead to me buying a lot of bulk items this week and using leftover frozen meat in my freezer since buying any freshly packed meat would involve plastic. Honestly it's hard to wrap my brain around just how much we use plastic.

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 11/06/2021 1:58 AM
    This week I decided to walk to the grocery store instead of carpooling with my mom (I don't own a car). It was pretty enjoyable to get outside and enjoy the fresh air but the weather this week was pretty rainy so it wasn't exactly my favorite to walk in. I even offered to buy my moms groceries for her to save her the trip driving. I've used reusable bags at the store for a long time but they come in especially handy when I'm walking in the rain because they don't get soggy like paper bags. I'd do this challenge again but it would be difficult to do it if I had to purchase a lot of groceries or very heavy items. 

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 11/06/2021 1:26 AM
    In an attempt to succeed  with my eco change project (I've cut out dairy) I meal planned this last week. I totally spaced on posting about it so this is a little late. I made açaí bowls and oats for breakfast, soy sauce eggs with rice for lunch, and chicken wings and vegetarian chipotle style bowls for dinner. I still ate out a few times but this really helped me stick to my diet change and have less chances to accidentally eat dairy while at a restaurant! It made my grocery shopping a lot more meaningful as well because I wasn't picking random items that looked good.

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 10/28/2021 1:08 AM
    This week I decided to track how much I've been purchasing by maintaining a record of everything I've consumed/purchased. Since I get tipped cash bartending I tend to buy things using my tips and don't get a receipt so this week I made sure to do that for everything. I tried as best I could to get digital receipts but for some of my purchases I ended up getting paper ones which felt pretty wasteful and counterproductive to sustainability. The amount of stuff I purchase that I don't necessarily need is higher than I would like and it's inspired me to not be such a mindless consumer! It's hard when shopping can be an instant serotonin boost.

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 10/21/2021 9:07 AM
    This week I attempted to car pool to each one of my shifts at work with my coworkers that live near by instead of taking a Lyft. I don't own a car so thats already a big footprint I don't leave but sometimes when I take a Lyft I still feel wasteful. I'd bike or bus but since I bartend I get off late and those aren't safe options for me. It was nice carpooling and also gave me a chance to better know my coworkers. I don't think this is something I could always do but it would be nice to replace taking a Lyft once in awhile : )

    • Bryson Wilkinson's avatar
      Bryson Wilkinson 10/24/2021 2:51 PM
      I think that's a great way to get several benefits out of a small action! I think it is really neat that you're considering how small actions (even if they can't be done every time you leave work) can benefit your relationship to them and your relationship to your carbon footprint

  • Charlotte Stick's avatar
    Charlotte Stick 10/11/2021 8:12 PM
    I decided to go to Mt. Tabor Park for my field trip this past week! It's an interesting mix of being immersed in nature while having great views of the city and there's usually quite a few people there. I went late on a weekday so there were a decent amount of people around. I could hear the noise of Portland but that didn't surprise me. I don't drive so I feel like it would be impossible for me to escape noise pollution in the city. It's definitely a blessing to be able to have such a beautiful park within 15 minutes of my place.