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Lexi Silva's avatar

Lexi Silva

Capstone summer 22


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Lexi's actions

Visions of Sustainability

Eco-friendly Gardening

I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.


Consumption and Economy

Buy Only What I Need

I will not buy anything except items required for health and safety.



Try Carpooling

I will commute by carpool 10 mile(s) each day this week and avoid sending up to 34.52 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Pick Up Litter

I will pick up litter on my street and ask others to join me in taking care of our neighborhood.


A Call to Sustainability

Start a Sustainability Journal

I will start a sustainability journal, capturing my thoughts, concerns and learning about sustainability issues.


A Call to Sustainability

Sign a Petition

I will sign petitions in support of an environmental or social initiative in my state.


A Call to Sustainability

Explore My Area

I will explore at least one new hiking trail or nature walk in my area.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 7/13/2022 11:20 PM
    For my last eco-challenge, I decided on taking on a task I have been wanting to do for months but never really took the time and research necessary to take steps toward starting an eco-friendly garden. I have some indoor plants and I love looking after them. Though I live with my parents and they have a backyard with enough space to have a garden. I have contemplated and my parents have even encouraged me, but it's intimidating only because I am so new to it. Though with this course, and this eco-challenge, I decided to invest in tools and hope to plant some squash, peppers, and tomatoes. I am also asking around some friends who are way more committed to plants that would help with any question I might have. I feel like I have personally become more aware of my environment and what it can give me. It takes more effort and work but it's sustainable and works towards and long-lasting healthier environment for all. I am very excited to see how far I can take this mini garden!

    • Gabe Dicenzo's avatar
      Gabe Dicenzo 7/14/2022 5:33 AM
      Oh my gosh Lexi I love this. I made 4 cedear garden beds for my mom for Mothers Day one year and they're still alive bearing veggies. I care for a lot of indoor plants  now in my apartment too but I would love the space to build an outdoor garden. Good luck!!

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 7/12/2022 8:20 AM
    For this week's eco-challenge, I decided to be more aware of consumption, and buy only things I need. This is something I know I need to be more self-conscious of because whether it's food or materialistic items, I do tend to over-shop and over-consume, economically speaking. I can also confidently say I do a lot of retail therapy which isn't a trend I want to continue because at times I feel like I am overspending and tend to buy things more than once or stuff I don't even use. One main change I implemented was avoiding the grocery store when I am hungry. I notice myself overbuying and then wasting food because I bought too much because I was in that state and so hungry but I never actually ate it, or it went to waste. Making this minor change helps me better dictate what I actually need versus overconsuimg on food. 

    • Misti Randall's avatar
      Misti Randall 7/12/2022 4:27 PM
      Hi Lexi,
      I could definitely see the overspending at the grocery store when I am hungry. Everything looks good and I buy a lot more than I need to. Food waste is such a problem that I need to work on. Mainly I go through eating trends and I may be craving something one day and the next day it doesn't sound good at all. Last year when I was so close to a grocery store I would go and buy my groceries for only 2 days at a time and walk. Best decision for my food waste but I also had the worst mini fridge so I didn't have much of a choice. Now that I have a fridge and freezer I need to work on my awareness of consumption.

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 7/07/2022 1:01 AM
    For my sixth eco-challenge this week, I decided on focusing on incorporating more carpool options throughout the week. In order to complete this eco-challenge, I had to reflect on the specific places I visit throughout the week and how I could find carpool options. I typically go to spin class about 3-5 times a week and from those classes, I arranged a carpool option with a friend who typically attends the same classes as I do. We have decided on alternating the driving to every other person but carpooling has proven to be not only a personal benefit where I am not spending as much on gas but also more sustainable for the environment to reduce vehicle pollutants into our air. I personally don't mind driving and at times enjoy it, but being able to carpool with others helps reassure a sense of community, as well as being more mindful towards our planet and finding safer and cleaner transportation options.

    • Kassy Vazquez's avatar
      Kassy Vazquez 7/13/2022 11:00 PM
      Hi Lexi, 
      Awesome job, on incorporating more carpool options. I know it is not easy, I don't enjoy driving at all but I am not a fan of public transportation so I prefer driving. So kudos to you, I hope you are able to continue and maintain that sense of community :) 

    • Gabe Dicenzo's avatar
      Gabe Dicenzo 7/07/2022 9:00 AM
      Hey Lexi, 
      Great job carpooling and reducing your overall environmental impact. Working out with a friend seems like a good way to keep motivated for working out and sure does seem effective if you're getting out five times a week! I enjoy driving too so this weeks challenges didn't come as easy for me as the others. Seems like this one was easy enough for you though. Keep it up:)

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 7/05/2022 8:21 AM
    For my eco-challenge this week, I decided to before more self-aware of my surroundings while at any time outside and picking up litter. I knew with the long holiday weekend coming up, I was going to be spending a lot of time outdoors and wanted to contribute to my community in a positive way where I would help sustain a cleaner and healthier environment. I went on a couple of walks where I found some minor pieces of trash on the trails. I noticed that I found more leftover trash in parks around tables and on the playgrounds themselves. I assumed that with the long weekend and its festivities, there would be more trash left over than usual, which was the case. I was content with the fact that I projected there to be more than there actually was, which makes me think people were more self-conscious, but with the weather getting nicer, prompting more people to be outside more means we will likely see more littering take place. I also got a small container of trash bags in my car to be more proactive when I am outside, and able, to collect trash around me wherever I am at! 

    • Romi Watson's avatar
      Romi Watson 7/05/2022 11:37 AM
      Hi Lexi!
      That's great that you found a way to help make the planet cleaner during your holiday weekend! I definitely notice a lot more trash after holidays like the 4th of July too where people often leave their firework and picnic garbage strewn all over the place. It's sad that you see this a lot on beaches and places where the trash directly affects the ecosystem. People often forget that there's no trash fairy and that their garbage is going to end up in the wrong places. Considerate actions like yours are what will make a difference, and I think everyone should consider filling a small garbage bag whenever they have the opportunity to. 

    • Kassy Vazquez's avatar
      Kassy Vazquez 7/05/2022 9:41 AM
      Hi Lexi, 
      Great job picking up litter, whenever I am driving I see tons of litter everywhere. This is so sad because how could you litter and disrupt Oregon's beauty. I always have a lot of trash in my car because I don't want to litter, or I put small pieces of trash in my pocket like a wrapper or something to throw away later. Thanks for your post. 

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 6/30/2022 6:02 AM
    For my fourth eco-challenge, I decided to take a personal look at my life and reflect on a small sustainable change that I could implement in my life. Last week's materials included videos of various individuals that minimized their waste to a small ziplock bag, in order to be more self-aware of the amount of waste we are creating. In order to do this, I began to make small changes in the snacks I would eat, and choose fruits and veggies that don't have their own wrapper or plastic trash. I also tried my best to minimize my paper towel use, so I stocked up on some dollar and 25 cents tree little towels to best re-use those when I would be instead of using a bunch of paper towels/napkins. While making these changes, I did notice that I had to make a lot more of a conscious effort because there were times it was so much easier to just grab a paper towel or eat and create more trash than I need to but then I refocused on why I was making these two small changes to my lifestyle. It was very difficult at first because of the changes I wanted to make, I was definitely not accustomed to which made it an uncomfortable change but beneficial in the long run!

    • Kevanna Doolittle's avatar
      Kevanna Doolittle 6/30/2022 8:11 AM
      Thanks for sharing, Lexi. Paper towels/napkins are a great place to begin a sustainable change. My husband and I switched to cloth napkins over 5 years ago. House guests are always confused when they come over but I think it helps challenge their thinking process and influence them to consider alternative options they could implement in their home. I'm glad you are finding creative ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle. 

    • Gabe Dicenzo's avatar
      Gabe Dicenzo 6/30/2022 7:53 AM
      My partner and I constantly debate how many paper towels is too many and further more if paper towels are even necessary at all. I'm the main offender in most cases as I do love a spotless kitchen and steak-less surfaces. I applaud you for lowering your paper towel consumption because I know how hard it is!

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 6/28/2022 5:36 AM
    For my eco-challenge this week, I decided on creating a sustainability journal to be able to better reflect on the ways I can personally make more sustainable changes in my life. I use to journal a lot when I was a child, and then I lost the consistency for a little. I only recently got back into daily journaling where I am better to set my intentions for the day, while also being able to write down and let go of thoughts, frustrations, opinions, etc. before I start a new day. While taking this class, we are presented with new ideas and perspectives on how to be more sustainable in our own lives. Being able to write in a journal I think would help with accountability but also taking a wider look around me in the different ways I can make even more sustainable changes in my life. For this journal, I plan to write it in as daily as I can during my lunch breaks at work because I typically sit and eat somewhere outside and its a really good time for me to disconnect and take in the nature, sun, and sounds all around me and write in a calmer headspace. 

    • Giovanni Simmons's avatar
      Giovanni Simmons 6/29/2022 10:41 PM
      Hi Lexi!
      I'm glad you were able to start a sustainability journal—I completely agree that doing some sort of action other than thinking (wether saying it out loud, writing it down, drawing, etc.) helps with feeling accountable for your actions and realizing that every change matters! I also like  Amy's idea of  drawing and visualizing the things you are doing to live a more sustainable life. It could make it more fun and just  more visually interesting to  look back on! I'll consider this for my own journal.

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 6/22/2022 11:13 PM
    For my second eco-challenge of the week, I decided to sign two petitions that stood out to me and made incorporated a form of sustainability. One of the first petitions I signed was titled 'Demand Safe Water' which is petitioning the Biden Administration to protect our communities' health, by not only regulating current unhealthy water conditions due to PFAS contamination but also integrating more policies surrounding the water crises where its accessible to all in a healthy matter where vulnerable populations aren't affected. 

    The second petition I signed, surrounded eliminating the enormous Target plastic bag waste problem. Target is a well-known visited store that utilizes thick material plastic bags that often end up in trashing our environment and leaving behind a permanent and massive carbon footprint. Implementing stricter bag charges and increase awareness of our plastic problem will hopefully help switch to either reusable bags or cardboard boxes like IKEA.  

    There were many other interesting petitions that caught my attention, but it was interesting to see all the different ones, their progress, and their story.

  • Lexi Silva's avatar
    Lexi Silva 6/20/2022 9:26 PM
    For this week, I decided on expanding on the world around me through nature walks. Though the weather hasn't been the greatest, I try my best to continue to make time and find the energy to go on more walks as it benefits not only my physical health but my mental health too. To satisfy my first eco-challenge, I decided on visiting a park nearby where I live that I always drive past but never actually have been to. I took myself on this walk and was planning on walking for as long as the podcast I chose would be, which was around 30-45 mins. While on my walk, I was pretty shocked to find out how many different trails this park had that were just surrounded by trees but the sun still peeped out in the best way! I have attached a photo I took on my walk that exhibits how calm and hidden this gorgeous trail was. Definitely making more time in my schedule for walks as well as finding new places!

    • Romi Watson's avatar
      Romi Watson 6/21/2022 8:48 AM
      Hi Lexi! 

      I think it's amazing how so many of us have accessible trails to such beautiful places within blocks from our homes. Your walk with a podcast sounds relaxing, I might have to try that when I do my eco-challenge later this week. I've also decided to do a nature walk. I'm currently in the middle of moving, so I'm hoping there are new trails to explore near my new place. The weather looks so nice (and hot!) this upcoming weekend, it'll be a perfect time to check it out!

    • Madison Scruggs's avatar
      Madison Scruggs 6/20/2022 10:34 PM
      Congrats on finding a new spot to go on walks! I'm excited to also find some new spots to visit to get outdoors. Luckily the weather is supposed to be nice, so hopefully, that will help with outdoor adventures!