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Daniel Richards

Capstone Fall 20


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Daniel's actions

A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 5 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.


A Call to Sustainability

Sign a Petition

I will sign petitions in support of an environmental or social initiative in my state.


A Call to Sustainability

Watch a Documentary

I will watch a movie about a sustainability issue I would like to know more about.


A Call to Sustainability

Explore My Area

I will explore at least one new hiking trail or nature walk in my area.


A Call to Sustainability

Learn About Local Issues

I will find out what local sustainability issues are most urgent in my region, including both social and environmental justice concerns.


A Call to Sustainability

Research Local Organizations

I will learn what local organizations are working on sustainability issues and how I can get involved.


A Call to Sustainability

Pay Attention to Current Events

I will watch or read the news each day this week with a specific focus on sustainability issues and happenings.


Consumption and Economy

Buy Only What I Need

I will not buy anything except items required for health and safety.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Daniel Richards's avatar
    Daniel Richards 12/06/2020 7:56 PM
    (Late Post) for the 'talk to others' prompt I discussed this class with some friends! Architecture students almost always pick up a minor, and its almost always either Business or Sustainability. So I was talking with 5 classmates who were all majoring in sustainability and I recommended this class to them! they were interested in the creative opportunities.

  • Daniel Richards's avatar
    Daniel Richards 12/06/2020 7:46 PM
    (Late Post) For the explore my area prompt I hiked a mountain called pepper peak. Its a beautiful place about an hour from home. The hike took about 5 hours round trip and was 5300 ft in elevation. To be honest i was planning on doing this hike anyway. Its right next to a place called Eklutna Lake, which is really beautiful. You should google pictures of it.

  • Daniel Richards's avatar
    Daniel Richards 12/06/2020 7:41 PM
    (Late Post) For the 'sign a petition' prompt I signed the Justice for Breonna Taylor petition on

    I know the prompt says to sign a petition in my state but there really aren't any in Alaska frankly. Plus the BLM cause is worth it, I also contributed a little bit to the bail funds when the Minneapolis riots were really in full swing.

  • Daniel Richards's avatar
    Daniel Richards 12/06/2020 7:37 PM
    (late post) When I chose to learn about local issues, i found a particularly relevant issue regarding plastic bags. In 2019, the county banned the distribution of plastic bags and all the grocery stores switched to paper. Most people were in favor of this at the time and it was surprisingly bipartisan considering the area is usually so red.But now, do to the pandemic and lack of reusable bags being brought in, the city has moved to reimplement plastic bags in grocery stores. I would've gone to the city council meeting but nobody there was wearing a mask and i didn't want to get covid.

  • Daniel Richards's avatar
    Daniel Richards 11/16/2020 10:00 AM
    I watched this documentary on netflix called "My octopus teacher" Its message was not directly about sustainability, but about connection to nature. This photographer goes diving in the same place every single day for an entire year, and develops a deep relationship with an octopus. It was very moving and had some amazing footage. I think the message of longing to be inside the natural world instead of just an observer was really relatable and i reccomend it.

  • Daniel Richards's avatar
    Daniel Richards 10/14/2020 3:27 PM
    This week I chose to learn about local organization and I found that the county offers free composting classes to residents. Their mission statement is to "teach you how to successfully compost yard wastes, manures, and food wastes; remedy a pile that's too hot, too slow, or too stinky; and produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens and lawns.". They also have vermi-composting classes and advanced composting classes. They meet once a week :)

  • Daniel Richards's avatar
    Daniel Richards 10/06/2020 12:11 PM
    Focused on the consumption category for my first action. My neighbor is doing a project and I took all his scrapwood off his hands. I think I'm going to use it for the ecochange, maybe build garden or flower boxes with it.