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Jamie Phillips

Capstone winter 23


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Jamie's actions


Help Others

I will offer to help 2 person(s) who are in need this week.



Zero-Waste Cooking

I will cook 2 meal(s) with zero waste each day this week.


A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 3 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.


A Call to Sustainability

Sign a Petition

I will sign petitions in support of an environmental or social initiative in my state.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Jamie Phillips's avatar
    Jamie Phillips 3/14/2023 1:15 PM
    In a previous weeks eco challenge, I timed all my showers. Over the 7 days I showered, letting the water run, for a total of 48.08 minutes. On average each shower lasted 6.86 minutes. According to a study conducted by Harvard, the average shower uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute. So I did the math and that means that my average shower is using 17.15 gallons of water, a total of 120.2 gallons of water. While saving collecting some shower water to water my plants was helpful, I knew it wasn’t enough. I put a timer for 5 minutes every time I showered, with an alarming going off, so I would have to get out and turn it off. While 5 minutes could still be seen as indulgent (there’s a lot of back and forth online about how long you should actually shower, but most people settled around 4-5 minutes), it was a very easy change to make. Cutting own to five minutes will save a total of 87.5 gallons of water (when comparing to my numbers measured last week), which is a huge change for just one person to make! Doing the math on this really opened my eyes to the amount of water I’m using.

  • Jamie Phillips's avatar
    Jamie Phillips 3/11/2023 1:37 PM
    This week I focused my ecochallenge on my water usage. Living in a one bedroom apartment, there’s not a lot of places for me to use water besides my sink and shower. I already know the old rules of turning off the water when you’re brushing your teeth, washing your face, etc. But I have never put much thought into the amount of water I’m wasting while showering. There were two easy switches I knew I could make, putting a bucket on one end of my shower to catch some of theater and using it to water my plants around the house. This ended up woking out really great and I didn’t have to use my sink at all to water plans this week! I also decided to time my showers. I honestly had no clue how long my average showers lasted, its not something I really ever thought about. I was relieved that my normal showering habits weren’t too terrible, my longest shower was right around the 12 minute mark ad it was the day I washed my hair, but the rest fell closer to 5-8 minutes. This week I was just trying to track my current habits and I’m going to be focusing my next weeks eco challenge on setting a timer to have shorter showers. Below are the screenshots of each shower length!

  • Jamie Phillips's avatar
    Jamie Phillips 2/24/2023 9:52 PM

    • Kailyn Mckeown's avatar
      Kailyn Mckeown 2/25/2023 2:55 PM
      Hi Jamie,
      I love that you had a good experience walking! This term I also challenged myself to take the max more, and I also found it to be pretty relaxing. I love being able to zone out and read, or watch the scenery without the responsibility of having to drive. It's also great that you were able to find new places along your adventure! Including a Safeway. Challenging yourself to do no drive days a few times a week is a really interesting and inspiring. I get a lot of social anxiety which is why it's taken me so long to use the max. I have not used busses at all yet, but hearing your good experience has me thinking of also challenging myself!
      Thanks for posting!

    • Jamie Phillips's avatar
      Jamie Phillips 2/24/2023 9:52 PM
      This week I thought a lot about transportation. While I have a hybrid car, and carpool to work everyday I still drive almost everywhere I go. This week I really wanted to make an effort to use public transportation and to walk more than I would normally would. The snow kind of forced me to do this even more, which was a happy coincidence. I felt scared driving my car to work, so I took two buses and walked about half a mile instead! While this did take longer than just driving to work (especially with the snow delays) it was really relaxing. I ended up just reading on the bus, and it was so nice to walk around a new area of Portland! I normally drive to Fred Meyer or Trader Joe's a few miles away from me, but when the roads were too icey, I decided I should just walk to Safeway which is very close to my house. I realized I could've just been doing this all along. It was so nice to walk around my own neighborhood and spend some time outside, rather than just wasting gas and emissions. I want to create some sort of challenge for myself to do no car days at least a few times a week. It's a pretty easy switch for that could make a real impact over time. I'm attachign a pretty snowy picture from my walk to the grocery store!

  • Jamie Phillips's avatar
    Jamie Phillips 2/01/2023 10:59 AM
    This week I focused on water!
    While I almost always use a reusable water bottle, I made sure to only use that this week, I left an empty water bottle in my car in case I forgot mine when leaving my house which is when I'll often end up buying one. I have had a little drip in my kitchen faucet for quite sometime now and honestly have never thought much of it. However, after reading through some of the eco-challenges I realized this was a huge waste of water over time. I called my maintenance and they sent someone up to fix it! I also started showering with a plastic bin in my shower. I've heard of people doing this to collect extra water to water plants. I didn't expect to collect as much water as I did, which was great for my plants! It also made me realize how even just standing in the shower a minute extra wastes a huge amount of water.

  • Jamie Phillips's avatar
    Jamie Phillips 1/26/2023 10:20 PM

  • Jamie Phillips's avatar
    Jamie Phillips 1/14/2023 11:48 PM
    For this weeks Eco-challenge I committed to signing at least 3 petitions that were in support of/protecting the environment. I went through the Environmental Justice Foundation who had quite a few to choose from- I selected the first few I saw that I felt specifically compelled to. The website was so informative and gave information about each petition and had links for even more information and tangible statistics which was so helpful. I also really liked that you can sign up to receive emails about more petitions. In very early Covid times I was in the habit of reading and signing petitions that aligned with my views, however, I've fallen out of this practice and completely forgot about it! The three I selected: supporting legislation to protect the ocean (maintaining healthy reefs, whale hunting, etc), shutting down commercial wildlife markets (for ethical, and health safety reasons- preventing zoonotic from emerging and spreading), and protection/aide to refugees that have become displaced due to climate disasters.
    I get pretty overwhelmed when thinking about the changes I can make, and I often feel really helpless- I'm not really sure where to start. There are just so many issues that our climate is facing. But, these petitions left me feeling more informed and like I at least helped to achieving a larger goal- even in such a small way. Also, this is something that is sustainable to continue doing- researching, reading and signing these petitions only took 30 minutes of my week. That is something I could easily, and plan to, continue doing every week!

    • Alina Peek's avatar
      Alina Peek 1/15/2023 10:33 PM
      Thank you for signing those petitions! It can be such a helpful way to reach attention to the subject and help towards it. I also chose this one time action and had a hard time finding a website relevant, I will definitely be checking this organization out!!

    • Diane Tran's avatar
      Diane Tran 1/15/2023 8:51 AM
      That's great that you went out of your way to sign petitions! I've also noticed my reading ability has dropped ever since COVID as well. I will need to get back to that!