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Erika Kearns's avatar

Erika Kearns

Comerica Bank Choices for Sustainable Living Team


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  • 164 TOTAL

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Erika's actions

Consumption and Economy

Learn About Alternatives to the GDP

I will research alternatives (like Gross National Happiness) to measuring economic livelihood and the health of a nation.


Consumption and Economy

Support a Sharing Economy

I will create or support a sharing economy with family, friends, and neighbors.



Join my Neighborhood Association

I will join my neighborhood association or another local group.


Ecological Principles

Advocate for Sustainability

I will contact local officials and city leaders this week to challenge them to support sustainability policies.


A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 5 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.


Consumption and Economy

Personal Waste Audit

I will collect all of my unrecyclable, non-compostable trash to raise my awareness of how much I send to the landfill.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Erika Kearns's avatar
    Erika Kearns 6/07/2018 7:18 AM
    I have signed up to be a part of a Resident's association for the flat development I live in. Along with collaborating with my neighbours to assemble solutions for our building maintenance, gardens and grounds, I will introduce a Block Library - where neighbours can borrow items (such as a drill, screwdriver or iron) or even books, etc. from each other. The goal here is to encourage neighbours to firstly get to know each other - build connections and a community, as well as reduce the need for people to purchase loads of the same items that get used only once and a while.

    • Erika Kearns's avatar
      Erika Kearns 6/22/2018 3:26 AM
      Thanks Emily + Denise for your comments and sharing similar experiences. Did you find that most people from your town/cities were open to joining both communities?

      I have not heard of Little Free Library - checked out the website and this looks great! I'll have to check and see whether there is a similar community in my town in the UK. Thanks for sharing :)  

    • Denise Alvarez's avatar
      Denise Alvarez 6/22/2018 3:11 AM
      On this topic, have you heard of Little Free Library? We have about 15 of these around my town. Such an awesome way to share books!

    • Denise Alvarez's avatar
      Denise Alvarez 6/22/2018 3:08 AM
      Super cool. My neighbors all know each other, so we are always sharing various minimal use items (e.g., pole saws, sanders, etc.). Makes for a good vibe and we all get to know what we're all doing to our (older) homes.

  • Erika Kearns's avatar
    Erika Kearns 5/22/2018 7:22 AM
    I have started challenging local businesses (restaurants) on how globally, there is a need to review environmental responsibility and sustainability policies as well as ask how they will reduce their impact of single use plastics and exploring alternatives to packaging and presenting food. There was one restaurant in particular that was still serving straws even after I #saidnotostraws.

    • Erika Kearns's avatar
      Erika Kearns 5/23/2018 3:57 AM
      Thanks Liz! I think the power of change is in the people and where we spend our dollar (or pound). Government-led initiatives and change can take a lot of time to pass, whereas businesses on the other hand, can change quickly as they'll do whatever they can to please their customers and grow their business and reputation. If people can take the time to challenge them on exploring a more sustainable way to grow in their business, then I strongly believe this can make a positive impact at a faster (and sustainable) rate :-)

    • Oh yea! I love reading this! What you are doing sound really inspiring and I know can make an impact. I'm with you on #saidntostraws! :-) So glad you are using your voice this way!