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Aminah Kamawal

Capstone Fall 20


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Aminah's actions

A Call to Sustainability

Research Local Organizations

I will learn what local organizations are working on sustainability issues and how I can get involved.


A Call to Sustainability

Pay Attention to Current Events

I will watch or read the news each day this week with a specific focus on sustainability issues and happenings.


A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 2 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.


A Call to Sustainability

Watch a Documentary

I will watch a movie about a sustainability issue I would like to know more about.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Aminah Kamawal's avatar
    Aminah Kamawal 11/19/2020 11:36 PM
    Hey guys! This week I was inspired by a classmate to try to generate zero plastic waste, and it sure was a challenge! I ordered some metal straws earlier in the term that arrived last week and have been putting those to good use when I get a drink outside. I didn't consider, however, the container and was left with some waste that could have been avoided had I brought my own (I'm not sure if that's an option at most coffee shops because of COVID right now, if anyone knows for sure, please let me know). The next challenge I found was with trash bags, and unfortunately, I still haven't found a substitute. Because part of my Eco Change was about staying away from the fast-food industry, I didn't end up having to throw out any containers that I normally would have prior to this term. When I went grocery shopping for a few ingredients, I brought my own cloth bag. I'm glad I made that choice because I was actually walking back from the grocery store, and so there was way less chance that the bag would have ripped open on the way. I have some medicine bottles for my vitamins that I recently finished and am trying to figure out if I can use them for soemthing else, like maybe small plant containers. 

  • Aminah Kamawal's avatar
    Aminah Kamawal 11/13/2020 10:30 PM
    This week's lecture made me consider how many sustainable options there are for transportation in Portland. I usually feel like I have to drive to get where I need to go, but I have a grocery store (fred meyers) that is about a 25-30 min walk from me. Yesterday, when picking up some ingredients for my eco change project, I figured I should walk instead, especially considering I wasn't going to have to carry a bunch of groceries. The walk was a breath of fresh air and I felt better about myself afterward. Sometimes I feel like I don't have time to exercise, but this is something I incorporate into my daily life that also helps me take care of errands. I think I'll be doing this more often going forward. Here's to hoping it's not rainy every day! 

  • Aminah Kamawal's avatar
    Aminah Kamawal 11/05/2020 6:49 PM
    This week, I have been trying to reduce my waste and I found it to be a little more encompassing than I thought. It's in the little things I don't even think about often like using a reusable towel instead of a napkin. However, I am finding it easier to navigate and can definitely also see this being an investment in the long term. I was speaking with one of my classmates who is doing something similar for her eco change, and she mentioned that initially, it might be a little costly when buying the reusable items, but in the long term those last much longer and much more uses than using one time disposable containers and napkins, so really you'd be saving money in the long run. 

  • Aminah Kamawal's avatar
    Aminah Kamawal 10/25/2020 10:24 PM
    Since the start of this course, I feel like I've already learned so much and that what I'm learning is positively impacting my outlook and habits! Every week, when I read the new session, I find myself reiterating the shocking facts to my family members. It's opened up some interesting dialogue in my home about sustainability and it's role in Islam. It's been so fascinating to me to realize that sustainability has been such a huge and important part of it, from water and tree conservation to rulings regarding wasting food. I hope to continue to have these thought-provoking conversations as I continue to learn. 

  • Aminah Kamawal's avatar
    Aminah Kamawal 10/25/2020 10:21 PM
    I haven't always been someone who pays attention to the news a lot. I've found it to be depressing at times and thought it would be better if I don't know the whole picture. This last week, I made the point to keep up to date with news stories not only in the US. but around the world. Instead of it being "depressing," it made me more open to realizing the state of the world and the conditions we are in, which encourages me to understand the urgency for sustainability better. At times, the news was saddening, such as yesterday when 18 schoolchildren in Afghanistan passed away, but I'm realizing that it's better to be aware than to not know at all.

  • Aminah Kamawal's avatar
    Aminah Kamawal 10/15/2020 9:21 AM
    This week, I watched COWSPIRACY: The sustainability secret. It is a very eye opening documentary about factory farming and its impact on the planet. It tackles issues like water scarcity and deforestation. I thought it was fitting, considering my Eco Change is about changing my eating habits and giving up fast food. 

  • Aminah Kamawal's avatar
    Aminah Kamawal 10/08/2020 10:21 PM
    This week, I took a step in the right direction towards my eco change project. I didn't eat fast food and made a point to eat at home every day except for one. I already feel changes in the quality of my diet and my overall energy. I've felt more motivated to wake up early and cook eggs or try some new yet simple recipes to start off with. I did eat out one day, but instead of eating the fast food I normally get, I got some fried rice with vegetables from a thai resteraunt. I asked them not to put in a bag and just carried the to-go box in hopes of using less plastic waste. Overall, I'm really excited to see where this journey takes me and to be a healthier and more sustainable version of myself.