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Noel Puentes

Monte del Sol


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A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 1 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.


A Call to Sustainability

Watch a Documentary

I will watch a movie about a sustainability issue I would like to know more about.


A Call to Sustainability

Sign a Petition

I will sign petitions in support of an environmental or social initiative in my state.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Noel Puentes's avatar
    Noel Puentes 11/08/2019 10:01 AM
    Noel Puentes
    Rhonda Crespo

    In my area, there’s a 29 percent of equal opportunity. The rich and poor are growing all across the United States. Also, education is very low percentage. The highest percentage that i got, was 54 percent housing. In my area, you can afford to buy a house easy but not that easy. But what’s not good is that the bill can be a little bit expensive. Sometimes the bill can take away your food buying, groceries, transportation, and health care. 

  • Noel Puentes's avatar
    Noel Puentes 9/24/2019 9:09 AM
    Noel Puentes
    Sustainability Eco Challange #1
    Rhonda Crespo

    Climate change is a really big problem because Global Temperatures are climbing, ice caps are melting, and droughts, wildfires, and super hurricanes are tearing their way across the landscape.

    Overpopulation is going to be a problem, Because we have more than seven billion people on the planet right now, and that number is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and 11.2 billion by 2100. That might not sound like a huge problem but the planet can only support 10 billion humans, which means we’re less than a century away from overpopulation becoming a serious and even a life-threatening problem.  

    These 2 things that I chose are important because our major with climate change need to be addressed quickly because it will be a major problem.  

  • Noel Puentes's avatar
    Noel Puentes 9/24/2019 9:08 AM
    Noel Puentes 
    Rhonda Crespo

    My footprint was 3.2 earths, something i can do better is probably go vegan and not use my car that much. Another thing I can do is ride my bike to wherever I need to go. We can recycle our plastic, paper, aluminum and glass.  We can also stop using plastic plates and grow our own food and veggies.

    • Rhonda Crespo's avatar
      Rhonda Crespo 9/27/2019 2:05 PM
      You have good ideas here. It would be interesting to find out what were the biggest contributors to you getting 3.2 earths. 

  • Noel Puentes's avatar
    Noel Puentes 9/03/2019 12:41 PM
    Noel Puentes
    Sustainability Eco Challange #1
    Rhonda Crespo

    Climate change is a really big problem because Global Temperatures are climbing, ice caps are melting, and droughts, wildfires, and super hurricanes are tearing their way across the landscape.

    Overpopulation is going to be a problem, Because we have more than seven billion people on the planet right now, and that number is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and 11.2 billion by 2100. That might not sound like a huge problem but the planet can only support 10 billion humans, which means we’re less than a century away from overpopulation becoming a serious and even a life-threatening problem.  

    These 2 things that I chose are important because our major with climate change need to be addressed quickly because it will be a major problem.  

  • Noel Puentes's avatar
    Noel Puentes 8/30/2019 11:44 AM
    I spoke with almost all my teacher about it and it was really interesting for them

    • Rhonda Crespo's avatar
      Rhonda Crespo 9/02/2019 7:35 AM
      This is great, Noel. Can you give us some details about what all you talked about? 

  • Noel Puentes's avatar
    Noel Puentes 8/19/2019 2:29 PM
    Name-  Noel Puentes

    What do you hope to gain from this course?
    I hope to really learn about climate change and how we can all help about climate change. There’s so many things happening like. cities are flooding. The iceberg in greenland is now all gone and it's been there for almost 4 years.  

    Name at least one goal each from something you want to learn?
    Something i want to learn is what materials we need or what we need to do for us to help climate change.

    List one behavior you want to change to be more sustainable and something you can contribute to the group?
    I really want to learn on how we can help to change climate change.