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Vytien Phan's avatar

Vytien Phan

Community Team


  • 0 TODAY
  • 326 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    organic meals
  • UP TO
    traveled by carpool
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors

Vytien's actions

Visions of Sustainability

Support a Sharing Economy

I will create or support a sharing economy with family, friends, and neighbors.


Visions of Sustainability

Eco-friendly Gardening

I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.


Consumption and Economy

Buy Only What I Need

I will not buy anything except items required for health and safety.



Try Carpooling

I will commute by carpool 15 mile(s) each day this week and avoid sending up to 48.44 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Meet My Neighbors

I will meet 1 new neighbor(s) this week.



Help Others

I will offer to help 1 person(s) who are in need this week.



Use Reusable Bottles

I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 5 disposable plastic bottle(s) each day this week.



Say No to Plastic

Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. This week, I'll say "no" to plastic bags at the store and plastic straws in all of my drinks.



Weekly Meal Planning

I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need.



Choose Organic Ingredients

I will enjoy 1 meal(s) cooked with organic ingredients each day this week.


Ecological Principles

Keep An Ecological Principles Journal

I will keep a journal this week as I observe ecological principles in action in my backyard, neighborhood or community.


Ecological Principles

Recycle Everything I Can

I will recycle all materials that are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community this week.


Ecological Principles

Practice Gratitude for Earth

This week, I will spend 10 minute(s) each day outside, practicing gratitude (prayer, meditation, journaling, etc.) for Earth and the nature surrounding me.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 6/01/2023 7:20 PM
    Dear teammates, It makes me both delighted and sad to finish this course. It has been both fulfilling and transformative. I'd like to think that I'll be consistent in how I implement these small changes to my life. My mother is currently enthusiastic about helping me create a vegetable garden. First project with mom! Woot! Woot! My brother-in-law provided me with insightful answers to my questions regarding how he goes about planning the coup. I can't wait to tell everyone about this project! This week's accomplishments include dog sitting to help friends save money, hiking Tryon Creek, having lunch with my friend Tim (we walked from place to place), buying a snake plant, getting piercings from a mom-and-pop shop with homemade jewelry, and spending more time in the park with the border collie I'm puppy-sitting. It's been pleasant, not to mention having discussions on environmental impact and community wellbeing with those around me. This has been a genuinely beautiful experience in this course with down to earth souls, so I thank everyone. Be kind to one another, and most importantly, be kind to yourself. & Happy finals!

    • kerry mccarthy's avatar
      kerry mccarthy 6/02/2023 7:54 AM
      Hey Vytien!
      You had a great week! Yay, a project with Mom! You can never go wrong with planting a vegetable garden together. Babysitting a dog to help a friend save money is so sweet. And a big undertaking, but therapeutic. Good for you. Not sure about the mom-and-pop shop piercing, but as long as it was sterile, go for it! haha. I am also nurturing a snake plant. My daughter got me one a few months ago for my birthday. It is doing really well. It even has some really light green new shoots(?) coming up beside it in the pot. I may need to pull them because it takes too much energy away from the main plant (?). Anyway, I agree with you, great class and great people! Take care Vytien. The best of luck!

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 5/27/2023 1:42 PM
    Hello Team, I hope everyone's week is going well. This week I struggled with online shopping. I was able to pause and recognize the power of advertising and how frequent I see it in my emails. I was able to stop many of my shopping impulses except the desire/need for new running shoes. I bought from a company that uses recycled polyester in their design which consumes 59% less energy than virgin polyester. I felt good about that, not about the amount of money I spent. Hahaha. Instant gratification < environmental impact and necessity.

    • Vanessa Wissler's avatar
      Vanessa Wissler 5/28/2023 8:52 PM
      Hey Vee, what's the company you bought from? I actually need new running shoes! It can be so difficult to ignore the barrage of online advertisements, but it's great that you were mindful of it!

    • Alessandro Negrete's avatar
      Alessandro Negrete 5/27/2023 9:30 PM
      Yeah, I totally get that Vytien! advertisements do have a strong influence

    • kerry mccarthy's avatar
      kerry mccarthy 5/27/2023 7:14 PM
      Good job Vytien! You did better than I did this week. I told myself this morning that I was going to fast Facebook today. Just one day with no Facebook. Easy, right? It lasted like 5 minutes. I rationalized my way into looking at it again. I think I am addicted. Great!

    • Olivia Monestime's avatar
      Olivia Monestime 5/27/2023 4:04 PM
      Little wins Vee! I totally feel ya, I bought an online sustainable item this week too wooo!

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 5/20/2023 3:34 PM
    This week I was intentional about my travel. I carpooled three times this week, completed my independent trip, and volunteered to help a friend move office locations from Portland to Tigard. After assisting Growing Gardens, I asked Lauren Daye for a link to share with the class about a volunteer schedule. I also found out the NE & SE Portland Tool Library offers gardening tools to rent for free, you just need to register and live in the area to utilize this service. I highly recommend working with Growing Gardens as they help residential areas, schools, and communities in need with access to healthy foods. We built two garden beds at the Alberta Location and transported equipment to the Prescott Terrace location. There was some hiccups throughout the day, but it was gratifying nonetheless.

    • Ruby Nations's avatar
      Ruby Nations 5/21/2023 7:22 PM
      Wow! It sounds like you had a week filled with community. I love it!

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 5/10/2023 3:49 PM
    Hello Team, my focus this week was slowing down and being mindful. I am maintaining the Chicken project, we've transitioned them outside to their coup. I am not too concerned with the heat wave because our home is under two giant sequoia trees. The shade keeps it very cool. I've met a new neighbor each day I've taken my miniature schnauzer for walks. I've volunteered to help my friends spring clean, go on hikes, carpool, and work as body double for other motivational needs. By doing this, I am nurturing my community and getting to know the neighbors around me. Look how big they've grown!

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 5/05/2023 7:13 PM
    So for this week, I have been conscious of my plastic use whenever I've gone shopping. Instead of using any kind of bags, I load them into a box, like Costco does. It brings awareness to how much groceries I could actually carry and how much I can actually eat vs want to eat. I have a 64OZ water bottle that I bring with me most places. It's been incredibly rewarding being more aware of how I can be sustainable. I have also feel tremendous guilt for past actions and current ones.

    • Alessandro Negrete's avatar
      Alessandro Negrete 5/07/2023 6:52 AM
      This week I also choose to focus on plastic when I usually go shopping I bring my own bag but the idea of bringing a box sounds great too. I can also relate to feeling some type of guilt for my past actions and the amount of plastic I would use on a daily I also carry my own water container that typically lasts me all day

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 4/27/2023 6:08 PM

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 4/27/2023 6:07 PM
    I stopped by The Realm Refillery to check it out and I feel inspired to make my own products! It is quite clean, organized, and they provide containers if you do not have one. The store carries spices, cleaning products, tea, and plenty more. I stopped by the market next to Jam on Hawthorne and purchased some veggies to make dinner this week too. I have been more conscious about purchasing food while at work so I've made a goal to meal prep at least three meals a week. I made sure to clean out the fridge and eat any left overs I am able to and to buy products I need. Next on my list is to watch a documentary.

    • Alessandro Negrete's avatar
      Alessandro Negrete 4/30/2023 11:00 AM
      Thanks, Vytien, for the informative post. This is something I'm willing to check out in the near future. I've also been inspired to reduce my food waste, and I believe discovering this local place is a great starting point

    • kerry mccarthy's avatar
      kerry mccarthy 4/28/2023 7:57 PM
      Hey Vytien! The Realm Refillery sounds really cool. Thanks for the info. I've been trying to be more conscious about buying food at work too. For some reason in the last year, I got into some bad habits and haven't been meal-prepping anymore, so thanks for the reminder to pick it up again. It's so much cheaper and healthier, and you know exactly what's in your food because you made it.

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 4/20/2023 12:56 PM
    I finally found the link! Haha. I've been keeping a journal of many things we discuss in this course that I would like to try. Being a student with two jobs makes it challenging to volunteer as I do not have a day off. If anyone knows of Sunday volunteer options please message me! I had tons of fun today at the Learning Garden and I am looking forward to doing more research on CSA programs. One key takeaway is composting and mold forming on veggies. I realized I need to return and review green/brown ratio in compost. Lots to do with very little time!

    • Vytien Phan's avatar
      Vytien Phan 4/22/2023 9:16 PM
      Hahah Kerry, I don't think it is sustainable for long term. I have mapped out check in months to reprioritize and reevaluate goals. It's quite rewarding.

    • kerry mccarthy's avatar
      kerry mccarthy 4/22/2023 7:55 PM
      Hey Vytien! Good to see you, haha. Sheesh, you sound super busy! I should probably get a second job myself. But, Is that sustainable?

  • Vytien Phan's avatar
    Vytien Phan 4/19/2023 3:47 PM
    My course on sustainable living is going well. It's difficult to figure out how to browse this website. Unintentionally, I jumped into a Winter 2023 group. But I'm having enjoyment writing down sites that my professor and my classmates have suggested. I'm excited to go to Realm Refillery when I am able to. I'm looking forward to working on this chicken project with my family and learning how to use chicken manure for gardening.