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Brandon Le's avatar

Brandon Le

capstone fall 21


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  • 329 TOTAL

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    spent outdoors

Brandon's actions


Sign a Petition

I will sign a petition in support of an environmental or social initiative in my state.



Watch The Story of Bottled Water

I will watch The Story of Bottled Water to learn more about bottled water's impacts on the environment.


Ecological Principles

Reduce My Footprint

I will calculate my ecological footprint and talk with my family or roommates about way we can reduce our negative enviromental impact.


Ecological Principles

Practice Gratitude for Earth

This week, I will spend 15 minute(s) each day outside, practicing gratitude (prayer, meditation, journaling, etc.) for Earth and the nature surrounding me.



Learn About My Watershed

I will find local resources for learning about my watershed and the particular water issues my region faces.


A Call to Sustainability

Sign a Petition

I will sign petitions in support of an environmental or social initiative in my state.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Brandon Le's avatar
    Brandon Le 11/17/2021 7:22 PM
    Today, I signed a petition for Coca Cola to stop their plastic bottle production.  If any of you want to help sign this petition here is the link.

    • Nicole Ho's avatar
      Nicole Ho 11/18/2021 8:57 AM
      I signed it! It's a good petition but honestly I don't know what the petition can do. 

  • Brandon Le's avatar
    Brandon Le 11/11/2021 11:58 AM
    Today, my family and I picked persimmons off our persimmon tree in the backyard. We usually eat a portion of what we pick and what we can't eat we give them to friends and neighbors. Lower quality persimmons are usually left on the ground as compost or added in to the compost pile.

    • Nicole Ho's avatar
      Nicole Ho 11/12/2021 9:45 AM
      We have a few apples trees and deers always comes and eat all apples so we don't have to worry about it. 

  • Brandon Le's avatar
    Brandon Le 10/31/2021 12:18 PM
    Today, my mom and I collected fallen leaves that was on concrete and dumped them into a compost area in our backyard

  • Brandon Le's avatar
    Brandon Le 10/24/2021 1:56 PM
    Today, my mom and I made some pickled Bac ha (also known as taro stem and elephant ear), hot pepper and onions. The Bac ha and hot peppers were grown from our backyard.

    • Brandon Le's avatar
      Brandon Le 10/28/2021 2:31 PM
      The liquid was made with vinegar with some sugar for sweetening.

  • Brandon Le's avatar
    Brandon Le 10/17/2021 3:50 PM
    Today I went to walk around my neighborhood to look for some watersheds in my area. Looking around, I was able to find a few watersheds that were placed to collect and filter storm water and runoff. I found that the watershed locations in my area are protected by the Surface Water Management Program in Clackamas County which helps maintain storm water facilities in order to maintain the quality of runoff water. One of the other program that supports one of the watershed was the RiverHealth Stewardship Program which is a grant that support communities that want to improve the health of watersheds within the surface area. 
    Extra link with information about watersheds in the Clackamas County area:

  • Brandon Le's avatar
    Brandon Le 10/07/2021 1:13 PM
    Today I went to Mount Talbert Nature Park. I wasn't able to go the entire way due to forgetting to get water and got nauseous from walking uphill for around 20 minutes up the trail. Luckily I was able to find a park staff and ranger who helped me get back and gave some advice along the way. As far as the experience gone, I thought it was a refreshing and calming experience. Despite being a decent away from roadways, I was still able to hear some car noises. Natural noises that I noticed were the sound of water from the creek and some birds chirping. Overall, I had a great time and would love to do it again at some point but from uphill going downhill rather than vice versa.