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Camden Benesh's avatar

Camden Benesh

Community Team


  • 0 TODAY
  • 296 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    meatless or vegan meals
  • UP TO
    traveled by bus
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    with people
  • UP TO

Camden's actions

Visions of Sustainability

Join An Outdoor Project

I will join an outdoor restoration project in my community.


Consumption and Economy

Buy Only What I Need

I will not buy anything except items required for health and safety.



Use Public Transit

I will use public transit 10 mile(s) each day this week and avoid sending up to 4.85 lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Meet My Neighbors

I will meet 2 new neighbor(s) this week.



Use Reusable Bottles

I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 2 disposable plastic bottle(s) each day this week.



Reduce Animal Products

I will enjoy 3 meatless meal(s) and/or 3 vegan meal(s) each day this week.


A Call to Sustainability

Talk To Others

I will tell 2 people why sustainability is important to me and what my vision for a sustainable world is.


A Call to Sustainability

Research Local Organizations

I will learn what local organizations are working on sustainability issues and how I can get involved.


A Call to Sustainability

Explore My Area

I will explore at least one new hiking trail or nature walk in my area.


A Call to Sustainability

Start a Sustainability Journal

I will start a sustainability journal, capturing my thoughts, concerns and learning about sustainability issues.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Camden Benesh's avatar
    Camden Benesh 6/12/2023 1:53 PM

    So for this week I decided to look into getting alternative energy sources, at first I definitely didn't know what direction to go towards. But no after some researching I decided to purchase a pretty small solar pannel online, just to see how it goes. I think it would be beneficial to have my own alternative energy sources, especially since I'm always looking for ways to save energy in the things I do like charging my phone or camera. I think this purchase allows me to develop better habits towards saving electricity and prioritizing my actual needs in my life.

    I'm considering purchasing an e-bike as well sometime this summer, so it would be really cool to be able to use my little solar pannel to help charge the battery, I would love to make a little video about that and really experiment with how much bang for my buck I'm getting with a solar pannel this size. I also have been collecting rainwater here and there for my plants, but it's been pretty dry recently so I have bucket out anyway on my balcony. I used what water it collected on rainy days to water my plants and save on using tap water! Both of these things have allowed me to think more critically about my energy usage and impact I leave behind.

  • Camden Benesh's avatar
    Camden Benesh 5/30/2023 8:41 AM
    week 7!

    So for this week, it was very challenging, to say the least, I only bought what I needed each day. As a relatively broke college student, this was by no means too hard of a challenge, since the majority of the time I try to save and not give in buying coffee and donuts every day. Something I did at home was make coffee! It was definitely a little challenging since I have never made my pour-over coffee but needless to say after a few ruined coffee filters I learned to enjoy making it myself!

    I did think I missed the community aspect of getting out of the house and being in that social environment where I can interact with people and take in the moment. While I was able to do that at home, I think I could feel myself getting a little stir-crazy because I would always bike to the cafe. So missing that this week has kind of messed up my schedule but I guess it's one trade-off for another.

    I don't buy groceries because I still live at home but while I'm at campus for a couple of hours a day I end up getting food in the area. This definitely counts as what I need because oftentimes my stomach is going crazy beforehand in class. While I do pack fruit and cliff bars, they really don't hold me over for that long. I think doing this challenge has made me think about getting a cooler of some kind where I can bring more protein-based lunches instead of sugary carbs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Since I would probably save more money by making lunches at home and then occasionally eating out a couple of days a week on campus.

    This challenge has taught me a level of disciple I didn't think I could have, especially since I biked to class to not only enjoy this cool weather but save money on bus and transit fare. It also made me think about the social situations where sometimes you might have to drop a few bucks on a drink for an experience more than the cost, makes me think about what I valued and needed in my life and how subjective that is for everyone because while I enjoyed making coffee at home and saving, I think as a person it's healthy to get out and be in an asocial environment where you can interact and get out of your shell. That's where you can make friends and connections!

  • Camden Benesh's avatar
    Camden Benesh 5/30/2023 8:40 AM
    week 6, this is pretty late forsure.

    I've decided to take public transportation the whole week instead of driving for my eco change. Although, the days I don't have class I have also been saving money by biking because it can add up. I've definitely enjoyed the ride a little more weirdly even though the bus can be sketchy at times (public transport in general), but the majority of the time it's alright. I found myself enjoying the ride and since I wasn't driving, I could be more in the moment and more mindful. I practiced deep breaths on my way home today on the 12 bus because I was bored so it was kind of nice to sit back and go with the flow rather than with driving, I can definitely feel the stress both mentally and physically on my shoulders. I live in NE Portland which is about 6-7 miles from campus, so to and from is about 14 miles in a day and my car gets 30 miles to the gallon, so I realized while the bus fares can seemingly feel like they're adding up, it's way cheaper to take the bus and not have to spend 100-130 dollars every 2 weeks or so. So that's something I've definitely enjoyed while doing this echo change this week.

    So in a single week, I travel 35-40 ish miles to and from campus, so for this week I've saved a lot of money by going by bus and realized how efficient public transportation is, less of a hassle to worry about my own car and the stress is a lifted a little bit. I think for the next couple of months I'm pretty tempted to buy a monthly transit pass and not use my car because of this challenge since I'm always looking for ways to save money. It's better to bike which is not cost, but on those hot summer days, taking the bus is kind of the way to go with that free air conditioning haha.

  • Camden Benesh's avatar
    Camden Benesh 5/07/2023 9:43 PM

    For my eco challenge regarding the topic around water, I thought what better way than to use my own water bottle then instead of buying a plastic water bottle? I'll just use my Nalgene bottle the whole week which wasn't even hard, it's something I've been doing in middle school honestly because I remember getting really bad headaches and learning about the importance of staying hydrated so I always try to chug mad water throughout the day and it's so easy to not have to buy a beverage at like chipotle. So I'm actually saving money when buying food by using my own water bottle versus buying a soda and throwing it away after, so my plastic footprint is much less than before.

    I hate the plastic bottled water you'd buy at the store because I can practically taste the microplastics, basically they just taste worse. Also, it's pretty convenient on campus to go and find a drinking fountain because they have a little fill-up station, one of the benefits of PSU for sure and it also saves money from going to the store and buying something everything day. You're probably saving upwards of 5-10 dollars a week by keeping and using your own water bottle.

  • Camden Benesh's avatar
    Camden Benesh 4/27/2023 8:51 AM
    I know this is kind of late since this was for week one but I did start this sustainability journal and really noticed how many extra clothes or shoes I had and what I ate throughout the week and how much plastic I used. I think with every day I tried to use less plastic bags for carrying food but some days I mailed it in, definitely hard too to want to bike when it's pouring rain but I did try to take the bus more than driving..

    • Vytien Phan's avatar
      Vytien Phan 4/27/2023 6:26 PM
      Enjoying these changes for you and trying public transportation. I carpooled yesterday to see what life would be like not driving. It was quite peaceful and therapeutic. However, I am directionally challenged so it was lots of circles, pauses, and phone use. Hahah. Did you have any plans or goals with the information you know about your clothing and plastic use?

  • Camden Benesh's avatar
    Camden Benesh 4/20/2023 3:50 PM
    Last week I decided to go a on a different hike, which was the Leif Erikson trail in Forest Park. I found it pretty fun but realized I probably needed boots and not my sambas because by the end my feet were killing me. It was really nice to take a break from using my phone and be mindful and in the moment while walking, especially since I went in the morning. Really inspired me to find more hikes in the area and try something new, maybe trail running next time, seems kind of ambitious though.

    • Randy Lucas's avatar
      Randy Lucas 4/23/2023 8:11 PM
      Hey Camden, that sound nice. I've been wanting to go on a hike, so maybe I'll try this trail during the weekend since it is supposed to be warm.